Our Office
64 Kensington Road
Rose Park, Adelaide, 5064
Phone: (08) 8331 8411
Fax: (08) 8331 8499
Contact Us
To best maintain patient confidentiality and to make sure our staff arrange appointments at a suitable time we request that all appointments be made by phone.
Office Hours
Mon - Thu: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 4pm
For referring GP’s, if the matter is considered urgent, faxing the referral form to Dr Sexton directly can help facilitate an earlier appointment.
For after hours Obstetrics emergencies please call the hospital at which you are booked, or the office number which will be sent to our after hours paging service.
Over the years Dr Sexton has gratefully received hundreds of photos of beautiful babies. He appreciates them all and thanks those families who, with permission, have allowed him to use some of them on this site.